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Sightseeing at its Best........

​Fun Thi​ngs ​To Do!​​

Located in do​wntown Damascus across ​from Mt Rogers Outfitters and Lodge 1759, the campground is ​a

short walk to everything Damascus has to offer. There are many things to do in and around Damascus:


**There are many Bike and Shuttle Rentals in town.    

**Swimming at the town pool is a block away. 

**Restaurants & coffee shops are only moments away.  ​

**Sightseeing and picture taking


**Shopping in boutiques or serious shopping at The Pinnacl​e in Bristol​, TN, a sh​o​rt 34 minutes away.​  

**Barter Theatre 19 min

**Bristol Caverns   34 min 

**Grayson Highlands State Park      48 min

**Hungry Mother State Park 42 min

**Bristol Motor Speedway   46 min

**Abingdon Cinemall Movie Theatre   20 min

**Boone, NC   51 min

**Tweetsie Railroad, Blowing Rock, Nc  59min

**1882 Covered Bridge, Elizabethton, Tn.  55 min

........And many other really cool sights to see........


Damascus is best known though, for The Va Creeper Trail, The Appalachian Trail and Backbone Rock.........









The Va Creeper Trail is best known as a bike trail, but also multi-use trail to bike, walk, run, fish, horseback​ ride, people watch and geocache, along with chances to observe and learn about the native fauna and flora, as well as the fascinating historical and economic role the railroad played in southwest Virginia.”



The Appalachian Trail is about 2,200 miles (3,500 km) long, though the exact length changes over time as parts are rerouted or modified. The Appalachian Trail Conservancy describes the Appal​achian Trail as the longest hiking-only trail in the world.”


Backbone Rock is 3.5 miles from Damascus. “Backbone Rock Trail is a 0.4 mile moderately trafficked loop trail located near Shady Valley, Tennessee that f​eatures a river and is good for all skill levels. The trail offers a number of activity options and is best used from March until October. Dogs are also able to use this trail but must be kept on leash.”

“I actually hiked from Damascus to Backbone Rock via the AT and a spur trail. It ended up being around 7 miles. The spur trail had a few good inclines and the AT was up and down the whole time. It was all woods.”

© 2018 ​Damascus Creekside RV Park

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